Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
88 lines
Flist v1.12 Copyright 1993 Charles E. Campbell, Jr
This program (flist) and associated documents are copyrighted 1993
by Charles E. Campbell, Jr, PhD.
All rights to flist and its documents are reserved, except for those
explicitly granted herein.
No representation or warranties are made with respect to the accuracy,
reliability, performance, or operation of this software, and all such
use is at your own risk. The author does not assume any responsiblity
or liability whatsoever with respect to your use of this software.
Flist may not be included with any commercial product nor may it be
sold for profit either separately or as part of a compilation without
the permission of Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. It may be included in
non-profit disk collections such as the Fred Fish collection. It may
be archived and uploaded to electronic bulletin board systems so long
as all files remain together and unaltered. It may be copied to and used on
individuals' computer systems.
Author : Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
Contact: cec@gryphon.gsfc.nasa.gov
Version: 1.12
flist [filename1 [filename2 [filename3...]]
flist "?"
-c : produce output suitable for inclusion in a comment
-C : no comments next to prototypes, etc
-G : only global functions printed (no static)
-l : include linenumber in comment field
-m : merge tags with hdrtags if present
-p : produce prototype declarations without user variables
-s#: set screenwidth to specified value
-S : only static functions printed (no global)
-t : ctags mode: creates a tags file
-u : produce prototypes with user variables
-v : print filenames as they're processed
-x : extern type listing
Normal output consists of the files' names and a list of functions contained
therein (for the C and C++ languages). Flist can accept input from the standard
Optional forms of output include: <tags> file, prototypes, extern style
(old K&R), and a form suitable for inclusion in a comment. One may
restrict the output to globally accessable functions or to local (static)
The "ctags" mode supports both C and C++. The C++ mode generates
tags by function name as usual, but will also generate tags of the
form class::func, class::~class, operatorX, where X is an operator,
and class::operatorX.
The -m option allows the generation of a <tags> file which will contain
any tags from the local <hdrtags> file in addition to whatever source code
files were processed by flist.
The <rdcolor.dat> file should be moved to the s: directory. Set the
environment variable
setenv ChipData s:
so that the programs can find it. The file provides a mapping from color
names to escape sequences, and it should be fairly obvious as to how to
modify it to suit your requirements.
The hdrtag program was compiled with Aztec C on an A3000 with the following
options: CCOPTS=-qf -wp -c2 -f8.
Good luck, and let me know of any problems you encounter, and any attaboys
will be appreciated :).